Solar Charging Boxes
If you don’t have the ability or desire to mount your battery to the boat lift or use the power from your boat you could always look at a solar charging dock box. These boxes can be mounted to the dock and will charge your battery in addition to providing a clean and consolidated place to keep it out of the elements. Mounting your battery box to the dock will also give you peace of mind and ensure no one will accidentally kick the battery off the pier.
5w-12v PWC Boat Lift Solar Charging Box
Solar Panel: 5w-12v & Wires
10x8x6″ Fiberglass Battery Box
12v-5A HD Solar Charge Regulator
Box Style: Hinged + 2-Screw Lid
Fits 12v-35a Battery
10w-12v PWC Boat Lift Solar Charging Box
Solar Panel: 10w-12v & Wires
12x10x6″ Fiberglass Battery Box
12v-5A HD Solar Charge Regulator
Box Style: Hinged + Lockable Latch
Fits 12v-35a Battery or 12v-55a